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Christiane Hensel-Gatos
Makler- und Reisebüro – VRCONNEXION
Hafenstraße 35
23568 Hamburg


Phone: +49-40-53004950


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Part 1: General Terms and Conditions for the Mediation of Travel Services (Travel Mediator Terms and Conditions)

For the mediation of journeys by Christiane Hensel VRCONNEXION the following Terms and Conditions apply. These regulations shall constitute the legal basis between the Client and VRCONNEXION. VRCONNEXION shall exclusively act as travel intermediary between the Client and the Service Provider and acts on behalf and for account of the respective Service Provider. The operation of the booked journey shall not pertain to the contractual obligations of VRCONNEXION.

In case of a booking, the Client enters into a binding contract exclusively with the respective Service Provider. The respective Service Providers’ General Terms and Conditions or legal stipulations §§ 651 a) BGB (rights and obligations arising out of the travel agreement German Civil Code BGB) apply. In case special regulations or restrictions apply to the selected prices, goods or services, the client will be notified prior to the purchase.

1.1 Conclusion of the Contract

  • With the entry of the information in the booking form and on completion of the booking or purchasing process, the Client shall enter into a binding travel mediation agreement with VR The client may offer the binding conclusion of a travel mediation agreement verbally, in writing, by telephone, fax, email or via the internet. The submission of an offer via electronic media (i.e. internet) by the Client constitutes a binding offer for the conclusion of a Travel Mediation Agreement with VRCONNEXION. The Client shall bear the costs for all participants specified in the order including those for his or her own obligations.
  • VRCONNEXION reserves the right to accept the offer. On written, telephonic, electronic (i.e. e-mail) or other confirmation of the booking by VRCONNEXION or the Service Provider, the contract between the Service Provider and the Client comes to effect.
  • The Client is required to immediately verify the correctness of the booking confirmation and if necessary to notify VRCONNEXION of any irregularities or deviations. Indication of inaccuracies or deviations made three days after the receipt of booking confirmation shall not apply. Delayed indications of inaccuracies shall not entitle the Client to cancel the contact.

1.2 Payment, Deposit and Travel Documents

  • Immediately after booking, a down payment of 20 % of the price of the total travel package is required. Booking is completed only after the receipt of the down payment. The payment of the outstanding amount is to be made within 7 days prior to the commencement of the journey. With respect to short-term bookings with fewer than 7 days between the date of booking and commencement of the journey, payment is to be made in the full amount, unless otherwise agreed.
  • Payment can be made in cash, bank transfer, credit card or via direct debit. Payment via direct debit is accepted only from a current account at a German credit bank. Personal data regarding name, address and - where applicable – credit or debit card or bank account information entered into the order form shall be encoded via SSL-technology. The characters entered into the order form shall be encrypted via a code that cannot be read by unauthorized parties during the transfer in the internet.
  • A deposit is to be made with the payment of the outstanding amount. Reimbursement of the deposit to the Client is made 14 days after the Client’s return after approval from the Landlord. On the basis of the Handover Protocol and in consultation with VRCONNEXION, where applicable deductions from the reimbursements are stipulated.

1.3 Withdrawal and Rebooking

  • The Client may withdraw from the journey and travel mediation agreement at any point prior to the beginning of the journey. It is suggested for the Client to declare the cancellation in written form. On cancellation, VRCONNEXION is not entitled to the rental price. The Client shall be obliged to make the subsequent immediate payment of a lump sum cancellation fee taking account of expenses saved:
    • 45 days prior to commencement of journey: 20 % of the journey price
    • 44 to 35 days prior to commencement of journey: 50 % of the journey price
    • 34 to 0 days prior to commencement of journey: 90 % of the journey price
  • Changes to a booked and confirmed travel package can only be made by withdrawing from the booked travel package and rebooking an additional journey, unless stipulations made by the Service Provider apply. All potential charges for rebooking or payable part travel compensations in case of rebooking are subject to the terms and conditions set out by the respective Service Provider. VRCONNEXION reserves the right to charge the Client the costs incurred to VRCONNEXION from a third party resulting from changes to the booked travel package in addition to processing charges in the amount of 25.00 Euro per person. The Client retains the right to provide proof of lesser damages.
  • VRCONNEXION suggests travel cancellation insurance for all travelers to avoid any cancellation fees.

1.4 Performance deviations and changes to pricing

  • Alterations or deviations of individual travel services from the content of the travel contract agreed upon that are necessary following the conclusion of the contract and that have not been caused against good faith on the part of VRCONNEXION or the Service Provider are permitted as long as they are not substantial and do not compromise the arrangement of the entire trip. Contingent claims under warranty shall remain unaffected, in the event that the modified services are defective.
  • The specifications made on the internet are principally binding for VRCONNEXION constituting the basis for the travel agreement. VRCONNEXION explicitly reserves the right to declare changes to the information provided on the internet due to objective, substantial and non-foreseeable reasons of which the Client will be notified prior to the booking.

1.5 Liability of VRCONNEXION

  • VRCONNEXION shall exclusively act as travel intermediary between the Client and the Services Provider and acts on behalf and for account of the Service Provider. VRCONNEXION is not liable for any services that are arranged for the Client by the Service Provider. VRCONNEXION assumes liability for the mediation within the scope of a merchant’s due diligence. VRCONNEXION is liable for absent contractually agreed upon features and in the event of the violation of principal obligations arising from the contract and for other contractual obligations arising exclusively from deliberate acts or gross negligence. The liability for slight negligence shall be restricted to the value of the booked travel package or the contractually typical and foreseeable damages. Any statutory prescribed strict liability of VRCONNEXION is not affected by the these stipulations.
  • VRCONNEXION excludes any liability breach of duty due to slight negligence, insofar as these do not constitute a breach of a substantial contractual duty or any injury to life, personal injury or injury to health, guarantees or claims in accordance with the German Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz). The same applies to the breach of duty by a vicarious agent.

1.6 Limitation period

  • Clients must assert any claims concerning performance deviations in accordance with the contract within one month towards VRCONNEXION (limitation period).
  • The period of limitation commences with the contractually agreed end of the mediated travel service (in the event of several consecutive travel mediation services, it shall begin with the last service rendered). The period of limitation shall not begin prior to when the Client obtained knowledge of the circumstances justifying the claim against VR After the expiry of the period of limitation, the claim against VRCONNEXION can only be asserted if the Client was prevented from complying with the period of limitation without own culpability.
  • All claims on the part of the Client shall lapse after one year. The statutory period of limitation begins with the end of the year in which the claim has arisen and the Client became aware of the circumstances and the individuals justifying the claims or could have become aware without gross negligence.
  • The limitation period set out under 6.3 shall not apply to any claims by the Client resulting from injures to life, body or health or other claims resulting from gross negligent conduct on the part of VRCOENNXION or of a legal representative or vicarious agent thereof or breach of substantial contractual obligations. The limitation period of the aforementioned claims shall be based on statutory provisions.

1.7 Indications on Passport, Visa, Foreign Currency and Health Regulations

  • Clients / Travelers shall be responsible for complying with the regulations pertaining to entering and leaving a country and health, passport and visa requirements.
  • German citizenship will be assumed for all Clients in all specifications on the website regarding the passport, visa, foreign currency and health regulations. In the event this does not apply, the Client is obliged to contact the embassy or consulate directly on his or her own accord. As VRCONNEXION depends on information provided by third parties in these matters (Service Providers, public authorities), no guarantee as to the information being accurate, complete or up-to-date is made. Any liability on part of VRCONNEXION is excluded in this regard.

Part 2: General Conditions

  • Should one of the protrusive regulations prove to be ineffective or become ineffective all other regulations shall remain effective. The effectiveness of this contract as whole remains unaffected. The ineffectiveness of the mediated travel contract does not affect the mediation contract.
  • On breach of the terms and conditions set out here or on sound suspicion of breach, VRCONNEXION is entitled to exclude the respective Client from usage of this website and / or services, as soon as the transacted booking is concluded.
  • The Client / Traveler may either take the mediator of the journey to court at the mediator’s principle place of business or at the jurisdiction at the place of residence. For proceedings instituted by the mediator of the journey against the Client / Traveler, the latter’s place of residence is relevant, unless proceedings are instituted against merchants or persons that do not have a general court of jurisdiction in their home country, or persons who have transferred their domicile or usual place of residence abroad after the conclusion of the contract, or whose domicile or usual place of residence is unknown at the time of the institution of the proceedings. In these cases, the place of residence of the travel mediator shall determine the place of litigation.
  • For all litigations between the Client and the travel mediator, German law shall apply exclusively.
  • Contracting party as travel mediator:

Christiane Hensel-Gatos Makler- und Reisebüro – VRCONNEXION
Op de Solt 35
22391 Hamburg
Tel.: 040-53004950

Managing director: Christiane Hensel-Gatos
(Erlaubnis §34c Gewerbeamt Hamburg, Kümmelstraße 6, D-20249 Hamburg)
USt-ID: DE-262237440
Registration Court
© These contractual terms are protected by copyright, Hamburg, May 2017